Bicycle Coalition of Maine

Event Photography

The Bicycle Coalition of Maine (BCM) is a nonprofit born from the hearts of Mainers’ passion for bicycling. In the over 30 years that BCM has been in operation, it has developed into the leading bicycle and pedestrian advocacy group in the state, ensuring that roads, trails, and public ways are safe and accessible, and that every Mainer has access to bikes and bike education. For nearly ten years, No Umbrella Media has worked with BCM on a number of projects, including: production of PSAs to help spread their messages of safety and access; recap videos of their multi-day rides; and promotional tools for their events. Longtime admirers of BCM, our team is incredibly fortunate to be able to partner with an organization that is spearheading such important advocacy in our home state.

In 2023, No Umbrella Media photographed BCM’s Urban Riding Clinic, Intro to Mountain Biking class, and “How to Fix a Bike” workshop for use on their website and marketing content.